Coordinator of lecture series: Nicole Harreld
Office: Room 204
Phone: (206) 543-6926
Nicole Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:50-3:20PM (most likely in Kane lobby or Kane 120) and Thursdays 5:30-7:00PM
Teaching Assistant: Jason Wells, Composition Student
TA Office: Room 13
TA Phone: TBD
TA E-mail:
TA Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30PM and Mondays 12:30-1:30PM
All inquiries concerning grades or attendance will be handled by the TA, at the email address. You may contact them by e-mail or see them by appointment during their office hours. Nicole Harreld will not answer emails that are not forwarded from her teaching assistant from Also, any emails asking questions that can be answered by looking at the website will not receive a response.
Class meets 3:30-4:20 Tuesdays in Kane Hall 120
All concerts unless otherwise noted will be in Meany Hall at 7:30
QUIZ DATES: November 2 and December 7
Concert #1 October 24 Wind Ensemble Chamber Concert***
Concert #2 November 22 Concerto Competition
Concert #3 November 30 Chamber Singers & University Chorale
Concert #4 December 7 CarolFest
Concert #5 December 8 Studio Jazz Ensemble
Concert #6 December 9 Wind Ensemble
Concert #7 December 10 University Symphony
*** Concert is in Brechemin Auditorium in the Music building
To request disability accommodations, contact the Disability Services Office at (206) 543-6450, or call Terry Dobrich at (206) 685-7208
There are two components to this class: weekly lectures given by various faculty and voluntary concert attendance. Two quizzes will draw on material presented in the lectures. Students are responsible for taking notes at these lectures, as there will be no review sessions nor study guides provided. Our TA has regular office hours to meet with students who have questions, but they will NOT provide missed notes nor will they be available for last-minute consultations before the quizzes.
As stated in the Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington, you are all expected to act respectfully toward others and show integrity when you are taking exams.
Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington
Standards of conduct.
(1) The university is a public institution having special responsibility for providing instruction in higher education, for advancing knowledge through scholarship and research, and for providing related services to the community. As a center of learning, the university also has the obligation to maintain conditions conducive to freedom of inquiry and expression to the maximum degree compatible with the orderly conduct of its functions. For these purposes, the university is governed by the rules, regulations, procedures, policies, and standards of conduct that safeguard its functions and protect the rights and freedoms of all members of the academic community.(2) Admission to the university carries with it the presumption that students will conduct themselves as responsible members of the academic community. As a condition of enrollment, all students assume responsibility to observe standards of conduct that will contribute to the pursuit of academic goals and to the welfare of the academic community. That responsibility includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Practicing high standards of academic and professional honesty and integrity;
(b) Respecting the rights, privileges, and property of other members of the academic community and visitors to the campus, and refraining from any conduct that would interfere with university functions or endanger the health, welfare, or safety of other persons;
(c) Complying with the rules, regulations, procedures, policies, standards of conduct, and orders of the university and its schools, colleges, and departments.
All students are expected to be respectful of the guest lecturers that come in. If a student decides to be disrespectful or disruptive during class time they will be asked to leave for the day. Additionally, any student wishing to use a laptop or other electronic device during class will be required to sit in the 2 seats furtherest to the right in each row. This is to keep distraction to a minimum during lectures and to give students with technology the best access to electrical outlets should their devices need to be plugged in. If anyone requires a special arrangement that conflicts with this please see me as soon as possible.
No textbooks are needed for this course, but students interested in attending the concerts will be issued a coupon at the second class entitling them to purchase a special “notecard”, available only to the Music 185 class. The coupon must then be taken to the UW Ticket Office, located at 4001 University Way, NE, (543-4880) to be surrendered upon purchase of the the notecard.
This notecard ($15) will admit you into the Meany Hall lobby for the concerts listed in the syllabus as well as any other concerts presented by the School of Music, but only in the quarter that you are registered for Music 185. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR COUPON WILL NOT ADMIT YOU TO THE CONCERT HALL. IT MUST BE EXCHANGED AT THE TICKET OFFICE LISTED ABOVE FOR THE SPECIAL NOTECARD. ONLY ONE COUPON PER STUDENT IS NEEDED!!
You should purchase three scantrons, available at the University Bookstore. The 2 scantrons will be used for the two quizzes and one will be used to record any concerts that you attend for extra credit.
Concert attendance, though not required, is strongly recommended as an important component of the class and one that will greatly enhance your experience. For each concert that you do attend (maximum of four), you will be awarded two points (the equivalent of one quiz question) that will be added to your total points earned for the class. Even though attendance will not be monitored, you MAY NOT run into the concert hall, grab a program and leave nor take more than one program. If abuses such as these are reported to me by School of Music administration or Meany Hall ushers, mandatory attendance will be reinstated and any extra credit forfeited. Please arrive on time, as late seating is extremely disruptive and sometimes not allowed. If you must leave before the end of the concert, wait until the intermission so as not to disturb the performers or others in the audience.
One scantron form is required to record all the concerts you have attended. On the front, you must fill out your name and ID#, both in writing and in the bubbles and indicate the correct concert number(s) you have attended as listed in the syllabus. On the back of the form, bubble in letter A for each concert listed on the syllabus that you have attended up to a maximum of four: 1a (for Concert #1), 2a (for Concert #2), 3a (for Concert #3), 4a (for Concert #4), 5a (for Concert #5), 6a (for Concert #6), 7a (for Concert #7), 8a (for Concert #8), 9a (for Concert #9). BUBBLE IN ONLY THE CORRESPONDING NUMBERS OF THOSE CONCERTS YOU HAVE ATTENDED. LEAVE THE OTHER NUMBERS BLANK.
For example, if you have attended only Concert #2 during the quarter, you will write on the front of the form Concert #2 and bubble in 2a on the back. If you have attended 4 concerts, e.g. Concerts 1, 5, 6 ,8, you will write on the front Concerts 1, 5, 6, 8 (or whichever ones you attended) and bubble in 1a, 5a, 6a, 8a on the back of the form. All the other questions on the back of the form should not be bubbled in.
You must paper clip a program to the scantron for each concert attended. DO NOT STAPLE OR TAPE THE PROGRAMS TO THE SCANTRON!! DO NOT FOLD OR CRUMPLE SCANTRON FORMS and use a #2 pencil only!!
Your scantron form must be filled out correctly with all the stated information or you will not receive credit for your attendance. Absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE FOR FORGETFULNESS OR INABILITY TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!
Return your form and the attached program(s) to NICOLE when you have completed your attendance. You may bring them to class or give them to her during one of HER office hours. All forms must be submitted by 9:00 A.M. on Monday, December 13 and returned to Nicole’s office (Room 204 in the Music building). IF SHE IS NOT THERE, PLEASE SLIDE YOUR FORM UNDER HER DOOR. THE MUSIC BUILDING IS OPEN ON THE WEEKEND.
For detailed instructions on how to fill out your extra credit scantron CLICK HERE
Final grades will be based on total possible points (70) earned during the quarter from the two quizzes. Quiz 1 will have 15 questions and Quiz 2 will have 20 questions; both will be in multiple-choice format, and each question is worth 2 points. Remember, you have the possibility of bettering your total score by attending up to four concerts. You cannot receive credit for attending more than four concerts.
Quiz 1 will be given on Tuesday, November 2nd from 3:30-4:20 P.M. and will be worth 30 points. Quiz 2 will be given on Tuesday, December 7th from 3:30-4:20 P.M. and will be worth 40 points. Quiz 2 will be cumulative. Questions will be taken from material presented in the lectures, powerpoint presenations, overhead projections, and the class website.
For many of you, these concerts will be your first experience hearing classical music in a live setting. It is important to understand that the audience can very easily distract the performer(s) with unnecessary noises. The degree of concentration required for the performer to achieve what he/she has spent countless hours refining is something most people do not readily comprehend. Therefore, the audience is expected to remain silent during the performance. Talking, coughing, whispering, shuffling programs, opening candy wrappers, putting feet up on seats ahead, using laptops, etc. are all tremendously disrespectful behaviors which effectively jeopardize everyone's enjoyment. Also, headphones, CD players or cassette players are not allowed. Cell phones and pagers going off during concerts will not be tolerated. Turn them OFF during the concerts and during our class sessions. Better still, leave them at home, if possible.
Although the stated concert etiquette may strike you as stifling, think of it as a way to personalize your own experience - to allow the artist to effectively communicate with you alone. Remember, what you feel and respond to is different from anyone else. This is the beauty of art and in particular, live music. It is perfectly ok to not like something, but it is NOT ok to insult the performer. At a concert or recital, audiences show their appreciation and express their enthusiasm by applauding at the end of a work; if a work has more than one movement (the classical symphony, for example, usually has four movements, sometimes three), audiences do not customarily applaud between movements. At an opera, however, audiences often applaud at the end of particularly significant arias (pieces spotlighting a solo vocalist), duets or ensembles (pieces for three or more singers).
Taking photographs and using recording equipment are not permitted at either concerts or operas.
This syllabus is subject to change at any time.